Thursday, May 24, 2007

Passion Flower - Medicinal uses

Here's another beauty hiding in the GG Park Botanical Garden. What you can't see from this shot are the tiny curling vines that cover the trellis where these flowers are blooming. The passiflora flower and leaves can be used medicinally as a mild sedative, pain reliever and anti-spasmodic. It is helpful in treating asthma and anxiety and sleep disorders in combination with other supportive medicinal herbs. Specifically, this plant works well for people with a weak constitution who tend to suffer from regular headaches and insomnia. This plant works best when taken as a strong infusion or tea made in a glass quart container with 3-6 grams freshly dried plant steeped in very hot water for about 20 minutes. The quart of tea should be broken up into 3 servings per day. This plant can be taken long term.

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